
Monday, July 7, 2014

4* for Order of the Seers by Cerece Rennie Murphy @CereceRMurphy #ReviewShare #SciFi

Order of the Seers (Order of the Seers, #1)Order of the Seers by Cerece Rennie Murphy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My first impression was - Sheer amazement. Cerece Rennie Murphy has an impressive writing style that I have seen in few self-published authors. Some angles of this story reminded me a lot of Brian Affleck's Paycheck. The chase, the build up.

As I got to the middle, I felt - Still wow but a little less drawn in because of the swear words. I am by no means a prude and I understand the occasional need of bad language to further enhance the portrayal of a character. Cerece Rennie Murphy bundles family, supernatural and science fiction in one neat package. By now, it didn't feel like I was reading a book, it felt like part of some poetic chant that had me mesmerized.

As I neared the end, I thought - I was sad for this book to end. Ask me anything about the characters, the plot or technique and I will tell you it is her writing that was the biggest win. Liam and Lilli's relationship was the core of the book because it goes to show how far family can go for you. It really did give a whole new meaning to, 'blood is thicker than water.'

My final impression and recommendations - Before reading I was under the impression it was a young adult book. I do not think so. This is an adult read for those who like science fiction with a twist. Highly recommended book and author.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads UK Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation for my book review. This book review is based on my thoughts, opinion and understanding of the book. This book review does not reflect the opinion of other book club members.

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