Mandy, Max and Andy have forked over their cover and I gladly fork over a fiver into the waiting palm of the skinny girl with black hair and a long purple, velvet dress who is taking cover charges. She smiles at us with black lipsticked lips as we make our ascent. We’ve never been to a nightclub before, so we’re all very curious about what we’ll see tonight. The stairs are covered in deep red carpet and the banisters are wood. The black painted walls have a trashed out look that adds a Gothic feel to the entryway. Four stories up hangs a dusty chandelier casting a dim light over the stairs. We locate a coat check and check our coats in so that we don’t become sweaty beasts the second we start to dance.
Suddenly, there is someone squealing loudly in my ear, “Maandeee! Hi!” An extremely drunk girl with short, black, spiky hair comes lunging at Mandy and knocks her into the wall.
“Sandra?…Oh shit,” says Mandy, pushing her cousin out of her face.
“Sorry,” apologizes a tall, skinny boy who skitters up to support Mandy’s cousin, Sandra, who we were supposed to meet tonight. “We went to a party first and she had waaaaay too much Merlot,” he chuckles as Sandra begins to assault Max and Andy.
“Wait…no…WAIT! Who are you?” Sandra slurs, hanging from the front of Max’s shirt, “Are you dating my cousin? You’d better be nice…”
Sandra’s emaciated friend carefully detaches her claws from Max’s shirt and ushers her toward the stairs to get her outside, “We’ll probably probably see you next time around…”
Mandy rolls her eyes, completely aggravated by her cousin’s drunkenness, “You’d think she’d at least try to be in decent shape since we were coming. Idiot.”
“Well, at least she didn’t throw up on us the second we got here,” I point out, trying to find the positive.
“Ick, good point,” Mandy shudders.
The first room we come to is a small, low-ceilinged blue room with a strobe light. It is clear that whoever said the band tonight would be playing reggae was full of crap. Indecipherable hardcore punk music emanates from within and we see about fifty skinheads in a mass thrashing the hell out of each other. A pair of jack boots and their occupant come flying toward us and we swiftly make our way onward and upward, avoiding death by mosh pit.
Fasten your seatbelts for a white-knuckled ride on the looney wagon and trip down memory lane with a band of misfit teenagers. Kiera Graves and her small posse of true blue friends plot ways to escape their cowtown; and play a game of keep away with her Machiavellian family to help her survive high school and make it to college.
Courage under fire, the closest bonds of friendship and blossoming romance keep this tale of coming of age and survival buzzing with excitement, heart, and warmth.
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Genre - General Fiction
Rating – PG-13
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