
Monday, February 10, 2014

#Author Ty Johnson-Anderson & the Issue of #SexualAbuse @invisible_soror #NonFiction

What social issues interest you the most? 
If you can’t tell from my book and my platform, it would have to be sexual assault. We suffer in silence, thinking we are the only one going through the problem. We feel dirty, ashamed, guilty, stupid and a myriad of other emotions. It totally affects how we interact with people; it changes our entire intimate relationship dynamic. I for one will never be the same, and it has affected my marriage in more ways than one. But it’s nothing a supportive partner and time couldn’t solve.
Last book you purchased? Tell us about it.
The last book I purchased on Kindle was James Altucher’s Choose Yourself. The book is geared to get you in the mindset of not waiting on anyone to usher you into greatness. You are already great; you don’t need anyone to bless you off on that. Just do it!
Who do you admire?
I admire anyone who is strong enough stand up for themselves and overcome their perceived obstacles. I say perceived because nothing is impossible, however we often think what we are going through is insurmountable.
What is your favorite quality about yourself?
I would say its creativity. I have a knack at looking at something dissecting and figuring out a way to get there or recreate it, although I don’t always follow through. But that’s what left-brain individuals are for.
What is your least favorite quality about yourself?
Definitely perfectionism and follow through. I always have so much going on that I often do not tend to finish anything. I get a spark of creativity, immerse myself in it, and lose interest. And if it’s not perfect, I get upset with myself a lot. 
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
I would have to say my daughter. My husband and I had a hard time initially conceiving, so after a yearlong deployment we tried again, and BAM! She lights up my soul.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
My bed and bedroom. I can travel all over the world, but I’m never as comfortable anywhere in the world as I am in my own room in my own bed. As soon as I get home, I am in my room, working on my business. The other rooms in my house get very little foot traffic and wear and tear from me.
What inspired you to write your first book?
It really just popped into my head on a drive home from work one day. I am the type to get a spark of creativity in the middle of a conversation. I found myself thinking about what change I want to inflict on the world. And to me the social issue of sexual assault was in the forefront. Children are barely talked to about safe sex, and are most likely not taught what acceptable behavior when engaging in sexual relationships is. We only know what we are taught and what we see. And I don’t know about you, but I never saw my mom engage in sexual activities beyond hand holding, hugging or kissing. So when I started having sex at 17/18 and it went far left, I had nothing else to compare it to. No one sat me down and said that I had to choice to not have sex with a boyfriend after I had already had sex with him. It seems obvious now, but I was 17. At that age we like to think we know everything, but we don’t. My only conversations surrounding rape dealt with “stranger danger”, my boyfriend wasn’t a stranger. Who knew…
What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general?
Opening myself up to criticism; it is a vulnerable experience. And with the personal nature of my work, I worry about the stigma that may be perceived about me. In addition, I often think about what others my think about the choices I made in my past situation. However, I get over this by focusing on the women I will help with my story instead. It’s like someone telling me that my baby is ugly. If that was to happen I would go straight into “Momma Bear” mode and defend her. So I try to avoid reading the critiques or take them in stride. The sting never goes away. It just has to be accepted.
Did writing this book teach you anything and what was it?
It’s been therapeutic. It has gotten me to unleash all the pent up issues surrounding my year-long sexual assault. It has gotten me to realize that I am not alone in the residual issues. It has opened up some emotional wounds; however, sometimes wounds have to get some air in order to heal. Keeping them covered will lead to a longer healing time.
Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
I have it a lot. To get over it I usually have a conversation with someone or myself. That usually gets my ideas to flow.

Ty Johnson-Anderson is the creator of The Invisible Sorority, a community of intimate partner sexual assault victims ushering one another into healing and thriving post-assault. Ty launched the movement, I Am Not Invisible, in an effort to humanize the victimless statistics. Once a young adult spiraling out of control, she has managed to emotionally liberate herself from her dark past and move forward to manifest her future. She lives in Edgewood, Maryland with her wonderful husband and beautiful little girl. Visit her at
The Invisible Sorority will show you:
Why forgiveness can be your best healing tool
Several techniques you can use to heal your heart through mastering your mind via hypnosis and guided meditations
How to increase your ability to manifest your ideal future
How to embrace your tears to strengthen your emotional stability
Improve your sex life using several intimacy exercises designed to show you to live in the NOW
The invisible sorority is like a phone conversation with your best friend. It will inspire you to make positive changes in your life while helping you to ease the pain of your past assault.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Non-Fiction, Self Help-Abuse
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
Connect with Ty Johnson-Anderson on Facebook & Twitter


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