Eat for Heat by Matt Stone
Eat for Heat is best described as a complementary concept that has yet to be discussed anywhere in the world of health, diet, and nutrition.
The book takes a close look at the modern habit of compulsive beverage consumption, mass prescriptions to "drink 8, 8-ounce glasses of water per day," phobias about salt and sugar, and turns them all upside down in classic 180DegreeHealth style.
The objective? Increase the concentration of the extracellular fluid (the fluid in our bodies) for increased core body temperature (rise in metabolism), increased circulation to the extremities for warm hands and feet, and taking the burden off of the stress system for far-reaching health and hormonal improvements.
The concept is extremely simple. The net sum of the food and beverages we consume can either concentrate or dilute our body fluids. Eat for Heat discusses simple principles on how to make minor changes to your meals and drinking habits to keep your body in a better metabolic "zone" all day every day. It's a tactic that can be applied to any dietary belief system, and can even yield tremendous health benefits to those eating just a regular Western diet. Everyone can benefit from the simple concept put forth in Eat for Heat.
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