
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Author Interview – Shireen Jeejeebhoy

Can you tell us about your main character? Time is a woman stuck in a boring job with an unappreciative boss, and she is about to turn forty. She has no ambition for herself, and she cannot see a way out — or even conceive of changing her life. But being kidnapped into the future forces her to open up her mind, to challenge her assumptions about herself and others, and thus to grow.

Will you write others in this same genre? I don’t know. At the moment, I don’t have another time travel or science fiction story in my head.

If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be? Don’t be afraid to try something you don’t think you can do.

Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Yes. I have two novels on, and one — Aban’s Accension — is a feature story. The other is Simon’s Death, and I’m posting it one chapter per week. I am also going to unveil a series for young adults soon. I’ve written the first book already, and hope to finish the second one this year. I write every year during National Novel Writing Month and Camp NaNoWriMo, so I will continue to grow my list.

Who designed the cover? I did. I wanted something to represent time travel and the prevailing ethos of 2411, the time in which Time finds herself dumped into and from which she must escape.

Time is kidnapped by three boys from the future, then dumped in the future past to die. She finds shelter with a mysterious man whose name is Space, and she must either adapt or find her way home before the boys catch her and dispose of her forever.

“I am reading Time and Space by @ShireenJ and loving it! What a great writer!” – @Mariam_Kobras, 26 May 2013


Time is turning 40. But as she does every day of the week, she is on her way to her safe, boring job in the city, never thinking she is about to be yanked into a different space and time. Three boys grab her in broad daylight, pull her into a shiny cube, and take her to their present: a lab in future Toronto. Their prof is not amused. The boys had promised never again to kidnap people from the past, he reminds them. He orders them to leave her where they took the others: her future, their past. The Nasty Time, they call it.

But while they leave her alone in order to prep the cube, bikini girl slips in, instructs Time against her will on how to build a time machine to get back home, and hides just as the boys and prof return. But it’s all gibberish to Time, and she doesn’t want to learn anything about time travel . . . until the boys dump her in The Nasty Time. It’s 2411. She’s still turning 40. She wants to go home. But she can only do so if she learns to believe in herself.

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Genre – Science Fiction / Time Travel

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

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