
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Author Interview – Angela Day

How has your upbringing influenced your writing? When I was 3 years old, my father would get my sister and I together and read us “The Chronicles of Naria” by C. S. Lewis. He read all 7 out loud to us from beginning to end, and I remember him crying during “The Last Battle.” I was mesmerized. I fell in love with books at that moment, a passion that has never dimmed from that day to this.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I loved books and reading, but there was a specific moment in 2nd grade when I was writing a story for an assignment. It was a mystery set at a place called “Mirror Lake,” and I thought, “I want to do this for the rest of my life.”

When and why did you begin writing? There was never anything else that I was going to love so much as writing. I am interested in everything, science, photography, archeology, art, astronomy, history, humanities, all of it. Writing I love to do all on its own, but it’s the only thing that gives me permission to indulge myself in learning everything, because I can always use what I learn somewhere in a story.

How long have you been writing? Always. I’ve always been writing something, be it poetry or plays, short stories or essays. But novels are my first and greatest writing love.

When did you first know you could be a writer? In 9th grade. I was working on the first five chapters of a fantasy novel as an assignment for my creative writing class. I’d turned in the first two chapters the day before and was in geometry when my creative writing teacher pulled me out of class. She brought me to the library and told me that she’d just read what I’d written, and that this was something I could do forever. She said there were adults who could only wish to have the talent I was already showing. I wouldn’t have believed her, thought she was only being nice, except that she pulled me out of another class to tell me. I’ve always cherished that memory as the moment writing became something more than just what I loved to do most.

What inspires you to write and why? Everything. I compulsively watch movie trailers online, even for movies I know I’ll never see, because I feel the need to know what stories people are telling. It’s the story that drives me, whether in film or online or on the page. I’m fascinated with how people communicate and what they feel is the most important.

What genre are you most comfortable writing? Fantasy and science fiction are my favorites, because of an interview I read once from Michael Wilson who wrote the screenplay for “Planet of the Apes.” He said, and I’m paraphrasing, that the movie was about racism and about broadening your definition of “human,” but no one would come to see a movie about racism in the 60s. So they made it about apes, because fantasy gives you the chance to give social commentary and criticism, as well as plead for change, without sounding preachy or condescending.

You’d think after being drugged, taken to a secret military facility, attacked by a flying red monkey, finding out one of your parents isn’t human, being shot, imprisioned, thrown out of a collapsing building and shot again, that the thing Thane wouldn’t be most afraid of was his high school chemistry teacher. But you’d be wrong.

15 year old Thane is invisible. At least he’s worked really hard to be, and all he wants is to get through school unnoticed. Things were going well for him until Remi showed up. She’s pretty, fun, outgoing, and she picked Thane for a friend. If only a temporary one. Being with Remi means everybody notices him too, even Cressida Rasmussen, the beautiful and possibly insane chemistry teacher who seems to be trying to kill him with science, and Brennan Tayler, the thirtysomething man who only shows up when Thane is in trouble and who may or may not be a figment of Thane’s stressed imagination.

When Ms. Rasmussen ensures that a science experiment goes horribly wrong, Thane is a suspect in an attempted murder where he’s the one who should have died. Brennan offers Thane a way to escape– enter Sanctum, a secret pseudo-military organization that’s been tracking him. If Thane doesn’t go, at best Ms. Rasmussen will try again and next time someone might die. But if he does the price might just be Thane’s freedom, humanity, and self-control. The most powerful magic and the most advanced technology together won’t save him, and neither will understanding the song and science of the universe. The only hope he has is to find a way to disbelieve a lie he’s been told all his life, the darkest lie we’re ever told, and find out what’s true for himself.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – New Adult Urban Fantasy

Rating – PG

More details about the author

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