
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Writing Advice for Teens by Mike Kalmbach

Writing Advice for Teens: Creating StoriesWriting Advice for Teens: Creating Stories by Mike Kalmbach
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What were the main themes of the book? How well did the author execute these themes? Writing and expanding your imagination. And yes, the author did a wonderful job at executing these themes. Being in my final year at uni (creative writing), most of the pointers in this book are spot on.

Describe 2 different settings or locations. One - "Some of the most fascinating story ideas come from
something ordinary." I completely agree with this and it is how we use our imagination to create something better that makes it all worthwhile.

Two - "Don't get discouraged just because an idea has been done before. You can always improve on a past idea or take it in different direction."

Were you able to connect with the main character and why? There wasn't a main character because this is not a fiction book but I was able to connect with a lot of what the writer was saying.

Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? Very hard for me to pick one. I think the best part of the book was that the writer developed a lot of tips from his own experience.

Why would you recommend or not recommend this book? Yes, I will definitely recommend this book.

Disclosure - I received a free book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews


  1. Thanks for your review! Too bad it didn't fit this template very well, but it sounds like you got a lot out of the book. Best of luck as you finish your creative writing degree!
